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Wednesday, May 6th

Mr. Wednesday Trivia! Doing a current events hodgepodge. And by current events, I guess I mean recently occurring happy events, and questions that have some relation to them..

May the Fourth be with you! 

What was the original budget for Star Wars? And what was it originally titled? 

What was Luke's last night in the original script? And how long was it (the script) ?

Is Cinco De Mayo an actual Holiday? If so what does it celebrate?

What is the name of Jordan's ESPN documentary series? What was ESPN's first and (only?) scripted series?

What despite being extremely old is still the world's fastest plane and still holds several other flight records.

Send me your answers!

Trivia Answers:

The original bugdet was 5 mil with what looked like another 3 mil in available funds. Lucus' original script was titled THE Star Wars and featured Luke Starkiller and was over 200 pages long, but it sounds like it was actually the first three movies all rolled into one.

Another interesting tibbit was that it was before production that Lucus' grabbed the rights to all merch and sequels from the studio. Not after or during like I had heard in the past.

Yes, Cinco De Mayo is an actual holiday and celebrates a victory in a small battle. I don't remember the actually name of it through.

The Last Dance is Jordan's petty docu, to show everyone he's the greatest. I am gonna be that guy and admit I haven't watched much of it at all. (Do I lose my man card now? ) I think the only scripted series from ESPN ever was the short lived NFL-like Playmakers, which was actually alot of fun, untill the NFL shut it down.. Send me a note if anyone knows where I can watched those shows? 

The SR-71 blackbird is still the fastest plane in the world and hold several records. Despite being in it's 70s. I don't think they are still in service and their might be a new classified version that is faster, but I think the military when with the sealth high flying un-manned approach instead of just being able to outrun anything.