So many thoughts in my head today.. and trying to make sure they keep with the spirit of this random board I maintain.
I think we have to disassociate mental health issues with being a "loser" and instead look at it for what it is, an injury. Your body and brain are no functioning properly and you are not able to effectively complete your tasks. This should NOT just be in sports, it should be for everything. Your brain is the MOST important muscle, organ, piece of your body, so if it's not right your NOT right.
This arcane way of looking at mental issues as weakness has to stop, we are not raising a generation of quitters because we are encouraging people to open up about mental health, we are raising them to be more open. It can be treated the same way as any injury, if you want to be tough and play through it, then that's your decision. But hiding and repressing these things is not a healthy way to live.
The old saying of well in my day we didn't talk about our feelings, or were were tougher back then.. Great, but you also didn't wear seat belts, smoked like chimneys, thought women shouldn't vote, black counted as 3/5ths of a person, and so on.. the way something was done or back in my day are just excused for A--holes and lazy people who have no desire to better themselves.
I do not want my son to grow up in a world where if something isn't right in his mind that he doesn't feel comfortable talking to me or someone about it because he's gonna be called a loser, quitter, or sissy.