Thoughtful Tuesday.. It's a bit rainy here, so it's actually nice that we have to work from home, and I am also extremely grateful that I am still able to work!
The perfect "living statue" street performer would make no money because you wouldn't know
99.9 is so overused in marketing that we'd most likely trust a company that uses 90% instead
If you laugh at your own joke, it was either insanely bad or insane.... ly good.
More kids know Amazon as the company instead of the rainforest
We just need water and sun, so really we are all complicated house plants with emotions.
Technically Hell is an exclusive gated community, it just needs a better marketing department.
Someday someone will look at the shopping cart icon like kids today look at the floppy disk save icon.
Alright I'm ramping up for the 31 day MOVIE Challenge, not just 31 movies but 1 a day. So I can't double or triple or quadruple up on the weekends. It's taken some work and practice, not to mention an understanding wife.. Click here to check out the movies!