Today's Board

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Tuesday, January 21st

I did it, the elusive 8 movie day, and even more over the weekend.

So here are my top 5 from the weekend.

5. Ready or Not / Hustlers: It's a tie, but equally entertaining and forgettable.

4. Joker: Good and a satisfying portrait of mental illness but a bit too heavy handed and certainly in my mind not worth 11 Oscar nods.

3. The Nice Guys: A rewatch, and I still love it, so much going and it's just fantastic. This would have made a fantastic Netflix series.. Seriously lets do that.

2. Bad Boys 4 Life: C'mon, you think I am not gonna freakin' love this movie.. So great.. It's just great.

1. Toy Story 4: G.O.A.T Franchise.. just epic, no Compactor scene, but gets me every time.

Also new watches: Paul, Kin, and AD Astra -- all meh.

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