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Thursday, May 5th

I missed the Fourth be with you jokes from yesterday. They did drop a new trailer for Obi Wan Kenobi's new limited series and it looks pretty good. I was already excited but this locked it it.

I am so excited it's SUMMER block buster season!!! Covid has really put a damper on this in the years pasted but starting soon we got usually a Massive movie a weekend, and I can't wait! 

Just this month we have: In order of my excitement,

Top Gun: Maverick

Dr Strange & Avatar Trailer

Bobs Burgers the Movie

Downton Abbey: A New Era

Chip and Dale


And there are like 3 solid Netflix movies.. So Movies are BACK BABY!!! 

That's really all I wanted to say today! Now I just have to figure out how to see them all!! 

Enjoy your Thursday!

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