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Thursday & Friday, June 26th

Another DOUBLE!!!! Trivia answers and a weekend update! I am all about value! Took a personal day yesterday to finish up some side work and never got around to giving out the answers..

Real quick -

Shooter.. just an under rated classic.. well maybe not a classic but it's realllllllll good.

Knocked up - This is one film I never liked or enjoyed, maybe now that I have a kid, I can go back and watch it again and maybe it's funny, but it really never did anything for me.

Distrubia, one of my sneaky favorite movies from this time, usually when you re-make a classic it's a recipe for disaster, but this one work. Can't believe Shia had this and Transformers in the same year.. pretty solid.

Ratatouille - another fantastic Pixar movie..

Superbad -- Now this a comedy I loved the interplay and the banter between Cera and Hill is amazing, you can always till when someone has been writing and tweaking a script for ever.. it just feels different.

Transformers.. Nothing more can be said

Alright What's new this weekend??? I am really bummed, apparently Jurassic Park was number 1 at the Box Office last weekend!  Based on Drive-ins showing the classics.. I wish one of those near me had been playing that, it would have been awesome to go and see that giant T-Rex..

New to Netflix is Rachel McAdams and Will Ferrell .... playing lovers and a singing duo... yea, I mean I am not sure what to make of this and have been a bit tired of Will's over the top style for a while now, doesn't mean I won't watch this, this weekend.

I am sure their is more! Let me know! With no movies, we need all the content recs I can get!!!

Trivia Answers: