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Thursday, April 30th

Today usually would just be the answers to the previous day's trivia, but found a great site for some weekly happiness that I would like to share.

Just good wholesome happiness for your week.

Check out yesterday's post for the answers! But real quick, Jaws, Jurassic World, 116 mil - Spiderman, and Jurassic World Again.

Sorry not my best Trivia outing.. But in these times.

I do miss going to the movies. There is something indescribably magic about sitting in that dark massive room and being taken away to some place else. The best is when it's packed and the theater really gets into it. I can remember seeing Creed, and the place was rowdy and it was soooo much fun, plus Creed is a fantastic movie. But that is what I miss most diuring these times. Hopefully soon we can have that shared love of cinema back!

Trivia Answers: