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Monday, August 2nd

Holy moly.. we are in August this is MADNESS!!

This year is just flying by, I am shocked for one.

Rewatched Ted Lasso over the weekend with the in-laws and no surprise they loved it. I still get a twinge of fustration with the soccer related fallicies of the show, but the writing is just too damn good.

Got home from visiting them and watched Jungle Cruise.. Which is a total throwback to just classic old school action adventure movies.. There are no real stakes, cause you know they are all making it out in the end, but just happy to be part of the ride. Everyone is having fun and it's a good time. Corny villains, silly one-liners, and great action. Just a good way to enjoy the movies.

Alright busy week, but hopefully everyone has a good one!! 

Four more days!!! Suicide Squad!! 

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