Today's Board

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Friday, March 24th

So last week, my body decided to try and kill me. I got struck down by food poisoning, and honestly, I have never felt that bad in my life. But enough about that.

There are a few new things to check out this weekend, including two big shows on Apple TV. One you know, Ted Lasso (which came back last week) and another you do not, Extrapolations, which is a massive big-budget show about climate change and how it will affect our world. There are loads of big names in it. Netflix has another spy espionage TV show called The Night Agent.

However, the two biggest things coming out this weekend seem to be universally loved and adored, except by me: John Wick Chapter 4. Okay, I loved the first one, the second one was solid but a bit too long, and I didn't even finish the third. I love the craft and everything that goes into making the action scenes unique and cool. However, they seem to go on and on and on. The hand-to-hand fights last about 2 minutes too long for me, and then the shootouts get repetitive in the second half of the movie. Now I hear that this one is better than the rest, but it's now two hours and forty minutes plus. I actually find the world-building and everything besides the action scenes much more enjoyable. Oh, and now the chase scenes have continued to get better.

Succession returns with the final season. I know I try to stay positive on the board, but I just can't stand this show. I have yet to make it through the pilot, but I heard it takes a while to get going, so I have tried to watch numerous other episodes, and I just don't need a bunch of shitty uber-wealthy people being asshats to one another over and over again in my life. No one is likable, and they all suck. Alright, rant over.

Enjoy the tourney and the weekend. I've got loads to do around the house after being out of commission last weekend.

I have been playing with Chat GPT, so here is their re-written version of it.

Last week, I was struck down by food poisoning and it felt like my body was trying to kill me. But let's not dwell on that. There are some exciting new shows and movies to check out this weekend, including two big shows on Apple TV: Ted Lasso (which returned last week) and Extrapolations, a big-budget show about climate change featuring a star-studded cast. Netflix also has a new spy espionage TV show called The Night Agent.

But the two biggest releases this weekend are universally loved and adored (except by me): John Wick Chapter 4 and the final season of Succession. I have mixed feelings about John Wick - while I love the craft and unique action scenes, the fights tend to drag on and the shootouts get repetitive. However, I've heard that this one is better than the previous films, so it might be worth checking out. On the other hand, Succession has never been my cup of tea. I find the uber-wealthy characters to be unlikable and tiresome, and the show's slow pacing doesn't help.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your weekend - I have plenty of catching up to do after being laid up last weekend!

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