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During Dinner
First course of scallops two ways.. They were on sale!
I mean the whole thing is one big meta joke, but I also realized direct homage's to specific shots from other buddy cop movies, like Bad Boys, and the plane flying over the sign.. Would like to watch again to go through and see all of those homages, or Easter Eggs, or whatever they are called these days.
LAMBOS!!! Got Ox the same Lambo Tatum is riding during his trip. Remember my uncle having that same poster..
The Captain High fives Schmidt for banging is daughter is classic.
The homo-erotic convos between Zuke and McQuaid is awesome.. Anals of football history.
Maybe I missed it but when does this take place? Like what kind of schedule is this college on???? Football season immediately followed by Spring Break? I am a sure it was by design, but I missed the meta comment that explained it.
So one of my favorite parts of the movie is credits, where they show all of the potential sequels and spin-offs, its the perfect end.. So I wanted to make a list of them all!
My favorites -- The reboot / replacement with Seth Rogen.. The toy game about shooting d**ks off.. and flight school.. I can honestly say I would watch 75% of these!!!